Relations Presse : david@festivalandco.com
En 2010, le Festival était annoncé dans des medias tels que Libération (éditions de juin 2010 : 5-6, 12-13, 17 & 18), The New York Review of Books (5 pleines pages de avril à juin), The Literary Review (mai 2010), Books Magazine (mai-juin 2010), The Times Online (14 mai 2010), Le Monde des Livres (18 juin 2008), Les Inrockuptibles (9-15 juin 2010), En Vue (juin/été 2010), Paris Magazine (mai-juin 2010), American Way (1 mai 2010), Time Weekly (en Chine, juillet 2009)...
Cliquer sur les logos ci-dessous pour lire des articles sur FestivalandCo 2010 :

Livres Hebdo - Petit festival deviendra grand, par Mylène Moulin (20 Juin 2008)
« Le festival a été une franche réussite (...) Il faut dire que la programmation de cette manifestation gratuite et bilingue était à faire pâlir d’envie les organisateurs des plus grands festivals littéraires. (...) Chaque intervention a suscité un véritable enthousiasme. Le public très vivace n’a pas hésité à débattre avec les auteurs invités, notamment lors de la table ronde organisée samedi 14 juin autour de la figure de Barack Obama. »
Le Figaro Magazine – La grande histoire d’une petite librairie, par Nicolas Ungemuth (19 Juillet 2008)
« Il y a peu, Paul Auster y donnait l'une des lectures animant régulièrement cette caverne d'Ali Baba du lecteur et du bibliophile (...) Les anglophones ont bien de la chance. Qui ne rêve pas secrètement d'un Shakespeare and Company aussi beau, aussi gai, aussi convivial, consacré aux livres de langue française ? »
The Telegraph – Shakespeare & Company literary festival, by JS Rafaeli (23 June 2008)
‘Capitalising on Shakespeare and Co's reputation, and on the fact that they happen in a marquee near to Notre Dame, instead of a muddy field in Hay, these events, conducted largely in English, have become by far the biggest literary festival in the French capital. Last week saw the third instalment of this festival. Fittingly for a shop so bound up in literary history and cultural memory, the theme was Real Lives: Exploring Memoir and Biography. One of the joys of festivals like this is the exposure to stories that one would never usually come across (...) All told, this festival was a resounding success. Sylvia Whitman managed to keep the events entirely free through sponsorship, and there was a true spirit of artistic exploration that would have made the original denizens of Shakespeare and Co proud of their legacy..’
The Guardian – Down and Out in Paris, par Jeanette Winterson (7 March 2009)
‘While there are plenty of readers who are not writers, there are no writers who are not readers, and one of the great gifts of this extraordinary bookshop is to keep writers and readers on the same creative continuum. Writers are not reduced to small-time semi-celebrities, and readers are not patronised as consumers. As Sylvia says, “We sell books for a living, but it's the books that are our life.”’
The New York Times / IHT – Escape to Books, not the Beach, par Tara Mulholland (10 June 2008)
‘With a lineup of authors that includes Paul Auster, Jung Chang, Hermione Lee, Amélie Nothomb, Marjane Satrapi and Jeanette Winterson, the festival looks set to embrace the memoir genre while tackling that most ticklish of literary topics: Where does fiction end and non-fiction begin?’
Publisher’s Weekley – Sylvia Whitman, by Claire Kirch (27 July 2008)
‘It was an explosion of energy.’
The Sydney Morning Herald – A Paris Commune, par Angela Bennie (5-6 July 2008)
‘...This year’s Shakespeare and Co literary festival (...) had crowds jostling for entry into the large marquee erected next door to the store and opposite Notre Dame (...) The festival is now the biennial, must-attend event in the Parisian cultural calendar.’
Time Out – Shakespeare and Company, A Left Bank literary institution (2009)
‘In recent years Sylvia and her team have pulled off something of a coup by setting up the Shakespeare and Company Literary Festival. The biennial four day event (next edition set for June 2010) is no small-time affair: at last count attracted over 5,000 visitors. ’
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