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Béatrice Commengé is the translator into French of Anaïs Nin and Kete Millett. She has published notably La Danse de Nietzsche (1988), the biography Henry Miller, ange, clown, voyou (Plon 1991), L'Homme immobile (1998), Et il ne pleut jamais, naturellement (2003; Cazes Prize). She regularly contributes to many literary reviews (L'Infini, L'Arc, Cahiers de l'Herne, Légendes, Hors Jeu, L'Art du Bref, Ligne de Risque, L'Atelier du Roman) and travel writing reviews (Grands Reportages). Her latest work, En face du Jardin (2007), recreates six days in Paris in the life of Rainer Maria Rilke.